Fire Gates Netball Club

Sports are known to build confidence, develop a community, and teach girls valuable life skills such as teamwork and discipline.

We feel that additional structure beyond the classroom would only help our beneficiaries make the forward leap. As the centerpiece of the Forward Pass Foundation Uganda, the Fire Gates Netball Club meets 7 days a week from 6-7 PM East Africa Time. We are still working on finding a field that we can call home, but thus far our netball program has been very successful.

In July 2020, we registered the charity with the Government of Uganda, which, once sports are allowed once again, will allow our team to play officially sanctioned national games against other netball clubs around the country. We have been improving steadily on the field and have already won a local tournament.

By having a consistent extracurricular activity to attend, our beneficiaries’ lives will have structure from sundown until sunset. They will have fun and make friends with their teammates in a truly tight community, and our coaches will serve as valuable mentors. Many young women in Uganda come from families with only one active parent, and our team can be an incredibly powerful support system. Additionally, as they improve at netball, they may even be able to attain national recognition for their abilities.

BEFORE: During the early days of the Fire Gates Netball Club, we did not have the money to buy proper uniforms for our athletes.

BEFORE: During the early days of the Fire Gates Netball Club, we did not have the money to buy proper uniforms for our athletes.

AFTER: With some of the first money we received through donations, we bought our much-needed jerseys!

AFTER: With some of the first money we received through donations, we bought our much-needed jerseys!

Our new field.

We had recently moved to a new field in Kasangati Town. Unfortunately, we had to leave it due to our inability to pay rent. Our hope is that, thanks to your friendly donations, we can continue to use this field, and one day buy land of our own so we can build a field that works even better for our mission.

Our Founder, Daniel Buyinza, recently led a kids’ clinic at a field in Kiteezi, Kizingiza Zone.  We believe in spreading a love for sports in children from an early age.  Way to go, kids!

Our Founder, Daniel Buyinza, recently led a kids’ clinic at a field in Kiteezi, Kizingiza Zone. We believe in spreading a love for sports in children from an early age. Way to go, kids!
